
This documentory film is about Kazunori Yamauchi, the passion and creative drive behind Gran Turismo’s birth and how it has grown over the last fifteen years. They trace his relentless willingness to challenge himself and push beyond the virtual divide in his pursuit of perfection. The path forged by Kaz with the support of Sony Playstation makes him a  key player in the direction of the gaming and automotive landscape and in doing so, has redefined how we perceive the relationship between art, entertainment and culture. Time to grab a coffee, sit back and enjoy.

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John Galvin (JSG)
It started at a young age with bedroom posters, the Countach of course. This slowly grew into a super car die-cast model collection, fifty five 1:18 models at the last count. At which point it had almost taken full control, the incurable Mad Car Disease ran deep though my veins all the way to the bone. And things for my loved ones just got worse as the cars where now being bought at 1:1 scale, after a BMW, HSV, and couple of Audi's, the disease reached my brain, pushing me over the edge and down the rabbits hole into the world of the bedroom poster.


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