If you are the type of person that seeks out great car content online, and since you are reading Auto Clique NZ I assume you must be, then you have no doubt heard of Matt Farah or at least know what he looks like from his videos on the Drive network with Drive Tuned.
If you dug a little deeper you will also know of The Smoking Tire and the rest of the crew behind the camera and the words. Zack Klapman writes great posts and puts together some amazing eBay lists. Tom Morningstar is the mad genius of shooting cars going fast and Thaddeus Brown provides extra height for Tom to get that better shot, among other things.
Over the last few weeks the TST boys have been exploring our fair country visiting unique Kiwis and their rides along with enjoying some of our best roads as much as Toyota Previa van manage.
As a last hurrah on their last day they threw out the call for fans to meet up and bring their pride and joy. The response was amazing with over 100 cars rolling in to the Manukau Park on Sunday morning. Everything from a big turbo Nissan Patrol to big V8 showcase.

The boys were impressed and Auckland gave them a great send off as they head home. “We will definitely be back,” said Matt Farah, “There is so much more we need to drive.” and there will be no doubt that the Smoking Tire crew will be welcomed back anytime they like.
Be sure to follow The Smoking Tire on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and of course thesmokingtire.com
Roger Baillie (@Rojn8r)