A couple of days off work and long weekends, plus a little more help from The Toy Shop Wellington has meant I’ve been able to make some progress this month.

First off, after much procrastination I made the replacement brake lines. I’m hoping they do the job! The crimping tool I bought seems to have done a decent job of the ends, so time will tell.

Old lines

Like most of these jobs it’s surprisingly time consuming, and harder work than expected, especially when laying on your back under a car on jack stands.

I got some new custom HEL braided lines made up by NZAD in Auckland.

And I pulled out the calipers, cleaned and painted them. I couldn’t resist going for a red finish.

I dropped out the rear subframe. It was in decent condition under the dirt.

Getting the rusty bushes out proved somewhat tricky, so I resorted to using fire.

Old vs. new.

Once that was done, I slapped on some paint and re-assembled what I could.

Similarly with the front.

And it’s in!

I had a bit of trouble with the bolts on the rear diff mount. I needed to get it off to get the replacement mount pressed in, but the allen bolts were a bit rounded off.

After a lot of cursing, the thing that finally got them off was hammering a socket over them then using my 12v rattle gun.

They Toy Shop Wellington pressed the new bush in for me, as well as sorting out a few other things I needed help with.

The other task I needed to tackle was the CV boots. I changed all four front ones, as two rubbers were broken.

The rears were in pretty good condition, so they just got a clean up and some fresh grease added.

It was great to be able to bolt some clean stuff together.

I made an interesting discovery – the pipe from the fuel tank to the pump had been rubbing on the rear diff mount.

The dash gauge told me the tank was just about empty, so I got my five litre container and started to drain the tank. 24 litres and a bit of a spill later…

It took about four days for the smell of petrol to go out of the house!

At least our other car got a top-up!

Finally one evening as I walked into the garage I saw this, and it reminded me of something.

“Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!”

Follow the full Project Rusty build here.

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Rob Clubley
I love everything about cars! Driving, looking at them, modifying. It's great to see what people do with cars, the different car cultures. If I was rich, my garage would be bigger than my house!


  1. Nice one – brings back memories of all the same I did on mine in 2011. I am just about to replace my front discs and pads with EBC items and give the calipers another coat of red like yours. Cheers


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