Well, I’m not really sure what to make of this one.

BMW have released a video of their R1200 ‘riding’ itself around a track. Sure, it’s on a track, but that doesn’t mean it’s miles away from being considered for the road.

Part of me thinks this is blasphemy – one of the main reasons of riding a bike is that you are riding it – not a computer.

But then, if it can help reduce road deaths through motorcycle accidents…you can’t argue.

Your thoughts? Waste of money?

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Fred Alvrez
How on earth to start this? I've been car/bike/truck crazy since I was a teen. Like John, I had the obligatory Countach poster on the wall. I guess I'm more officially into classic and muscle cars than anything else - I currently have a '65 Sunbeam Tiger that left the factory the same day as I left the hospital as a newborn with my mother. How could I not buy that car? In 2016 my wife and I drove across the USA in a brand-new Dodge Challenger, and then shipped it home. We did this again in 2019 in a 1990 Chev Corvette - you can read about that trip on DriveLife, and again in 2023 buying a C5 Corvette and shipping it home. I'm a driving instructor and an Observer for the Institute of Advanced Motorists - trying to do my bit to make our roads safer.


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