This motorist failed to notice this truck in their mirrors and must not have checked the blind spot as he just casually merges into the trucks path. The truck catches the rear of the car and rotates in front of the truck where it gets stuck being push sideways. The truck driver does very well to control the truck and guide it and the car to the hard shoulder where he is able to slow the truck down and bring it to a safe and gentle stop.

It Pays To Check Your Blind Spots Or To Even Look At All
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That concept is never delivered as education to our drivers – the only rule that seems to be advertised is don’t speed (and assume you’ll be just fine if you stick to that one rule).
If the truck could have swallowed his pride for a few moments and lifted off the accelerator. Naturally that was going to happen. It’s called defensive driving.
It’s ignorance like yours that causes this sorta stuff
I would say it’s vice versa. I absolutely hate this sort of thing but this could have been avoided. Now you have two damaged vehicles and a traffic hold up. All at a cost to the tax payer.
The car driver must of known he was there, he came up from behind him (at some speed) and tried to squeeze into a tight spot when he probably could’ve not pass him on the inside and tucked in behind him. Pants driving by that man.
At least somebody gets it (y)
Always one that has to blame us truckies. Have you ever driven a truck Courtney? Do you know how hard it is to see over parts of the dash of some of the bigger Aussie and American cabovers? We sit high, we can’t always see everything around us, especially muppets like this. Educate yourself on what we have to put up with every day before spouting absolute shit like that.
It would make sense that any professional truck driver, who spends his working life on the road, would be checking his mirrors on a merging lane. Arguably trucks are spending too much time in the fast lane and are forgetting the basics of left lane traffic.
Are we really? So its ok that we should stick behind a slow moving vehicle doing 70kmh, uphill, when there is a perfectly free lane to the right? The less we have to chop down ratios to climb hills, the less fuel we use, the less strain there is on our vehicles. Once we’ve lost momentum, it is VERY difficult for us to regain it again at 44 tonnes, meaning we’ll only hold up traffic even further. And for the record, we DO check our mirrors constantly, because most of us know fine well that we’re going to end up in a situation like this because of some suicidal tin can driver performing his heroics at 100kmh just to get ahead of us at the last second. I bet you’re one of these people.
And the two definitive words here? BLIND SPOT. No matter how many mirrors you put on our vehicles, there will ALWAYS be areas that we can’t see other road users. Again, you may want to educate yourself further instead of being so crass and demonising the people that keep your nice luxury items on the shelves of your Ponsonby shops.
You mean the people responsible for your employment? Aren’t you a nice example of a tall poppy. After all, you do sit on your ass for a living.
And no, I’m referring to exactly what the video is showing, a motorway scene. You will notice most rural highways are single lane. This is clearly inner city multiple.
Do I just… I do more physical labour in a day than you’ll do in a week there buddy, I’m out of my rig every 15 minutes lugging refrigerators around so no, I don’t have the luxury that the Linehaul boys twice my age have. Again, another example of a pretentious jerk who can’t engage his brain before he opens his mouth.
Hence why I’m driving my car and you’re driving your truck?
Well in that case, dick, you’ll notice he IS in the slow lane. If Mr. Fuckwit in his golf had did the sensible thing that the majority of good drivers do, and held back until he had a safe spot to merge, this would never have happened. Would you like a glass stomach for Christmas?
I drive my truck because it’s the career I chose? Beats sitting cramped up in an office all day. I have my trade to fall back on should I wish to call it quits.
Would you like to learn how a zip works so you better know how to merge like one?
Maybe some of you tin top fuckers should learn that rule instead of running in front of other cars, trucks, vans and motorcycles?
You come across as so self important it’s not funny mate.
I can’t stand people like this driver but I’m not going to be so one eyed to not see the easier solution to this scenario.
And were you in that truck, that day? Who’s to say the driver hadn’t seen him til the last minute? We don’t have eyes everywhere all the time.
If you do not have the ability to be able to foresee things like this happening or are not able to deal with them in a safe manner when they arise, then I hate the fact you drive a truck.
It’s not a merging lane, it’s a slip road. Main highway (Motorway in England) has right of way.
Hahahaha. That was some good reading. Once again, You owned that debate Courtney Letica
Want a straw Randy?
Jockee Taylor Randy McCarthy
Wow, Courtney you’ve obviously never driven anything bigger than a car and have no consideration for people who do.
Maybe the truck could have braked and let the car driver push in, but the truck had right of way, the car driver was clearly being an idiot and trying to push in right at the end of the lane.
Hopefully this incident will improve the driver’s road manners.