Okay I was a bit bored, and cruising YouTube is a great way to beat that boredom.

It seems every few years I go through a phase of checking out the latest flying cars. How many years have we been waiting for a flying car that actually works? And just where is my DeLorean?

Could 2016 be the year of the decent, affordable and not ugly flying car? Don’t get your hopes up just yet.

Some of these 5 featured in this clip are apparently ‘road legal’. Hmm. I’m not sure if they are aware of our compliance laws or WoF system, so I doubt that.


Still they are worth a look, if only to see where things are heading. I was a bit disappointed with the last flying car, which has a video that is 100% computer generated. Not quite there yet then, and then some.

Check them out, and start saving hard.

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Fred Alvrez
How on earth to start this? I've been car/bike/truck crazy since I was a teen. Like John, I had the obligatory Countach poster on the wall. I guess I'm more officially into classic and muscle cars than anything else - I currently have a '65 Sunbeam Tiger that left the factory the same day as I left the hospital as a newborn with my mother. How could I not buy that car? In 2016 my wife and I drove across the USA in a brand-new Dodge Challenger, and then shipped it home. We did this again in 2019 in a 1990 Chev Corvette - you can read about that trip on DriveLife, and again in 2023 buying a C5 Corvette and shipping it home. I'm a driving instructor and an Observer for the Institute of Advanced Motorists - trying to do my bit to make our roads safer.


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