This Whanganui event is held every two years, normally by the Rotary Club. However, this year River City Rodders took over the event. All proceeds from the gold-coin donation for entry is given to a charity.
As always, this is a well-attended event. This year over 500 entries came through the gates, be they classic or a modern cars, motorbikes, fire engines or a dragster (and yes, there was one).
Not only lot of cars were on site, but the variety of cars was astonishing; German, French, Italian, Swedish, American, Australian, British – and maybe some others countries I missed out. No offence to them, but there were so many vehicles to look at it was hard to get around them all.
An interesting event was ‘Rocker Cover Racing’, where anyone could get an old tappet cover, mount some wheels on it and race it against others. Great fun to watch, and some of the effort put into the racers was huge.
Enjoy the car-porn slide show!