
The Discolor Tyre is a concept where the age and durability of the car tire is indicated and communicated through its color. Basically a tire is good for around 20,000 kilometers, and then its kinds worn out. With the Discolor Tyre, the tire takes on a bright orange hue once it is worn out and requires immediate replacement. It saves you the trouble of keeping a constant check and acts as a good warning system to keep your travels safe.

The Discolor Tyre is a 2012 iF Design Talents entry.

Designers: Gao Fenglin & Zhou Buyi






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John Galvin (JSG)
It started at a young age with bedroom posters, the Countach of course. This slowly grew into a super car die-cast model collection, fifty five 1:18 models at the last count. At which point it had almost taken full control, the incurable Mad Car Disease ran deep though my veins all the way to the bone. And things for my loved ones just got worse as the cars where now being bought at 1:1 scale, after a BMW, HSV, and couple of Audi's, the disease reached my brain, pushing me over the edge and down the rabbits hole into the world of the bedroom poster.


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